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Sales and Marketing

Sales and distribution in the book trade is a complex business – so many books are published that you have next to no chance of getting a book accepted unless you can navigate through it.

While the ISBN number and website listing we arrange for your book will make it available to anyone who wants to order it, it certainly does not mean that retailers will stock it. The trade is extremely choosy about what books it stocks and this usually has to be negotiated with them.

All books we produce are given an ISBN and barcode to allow them to be identified and ordered worldwide. We will add a page on your book to our website, and it will be listed on the major bookselling websites – Amazon, Waterstones, WH Smith, Barnes & Noble (in the USA) etc.

If we feel your book has potential for sales, we will offer an appropriate range of services to help you achieve this. We will tell you if we don’t think it is worth the investment.

Free of charge, we will advise you on where and how we think your book could be sold and prepare any promotional copy you need. For a small charge we can prepare promotional materials such as presentation store cards and flyers.

We print a single-sheet promotional flyer about each of our marketed books, which we use to introduce the books to the trade.

Additional services
We offer a number of chargeable services to help you sell your book, if we think it is suitable for commercial marketing.

Media relations
We will prepare and issue press material about the book to suitable target media – eg your local press, trade press covering your profession, women’s interest, sporting interest etc as appropriate. Coverage is not of course guaranteed but it may well help to win you some useful publicity.

Bookstore representation
We have a dedicated sales team who help to sell our books into bookstores.

ebook readers and distribution
We supply books in a wide variety of electronic formats for Amazon's Kindle and Barnes & Nobles' Nook, plus most other ebook formats.

We will pay your royalties with a statement every six months (usually at the end of June and December), subject to a minimum amount being due.

Storage and warehousing
We supply books in a wide variety of electronic formats for Amazon's Kindle and Barnes & Nobles' Nook, plus most other ebook formats.


Our Books


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